The Green Deal |
This autumn (provisionally October 2012) sees the arrival of
the long awaited ‘Green Deal’, a mechanism whereby we are all going to be encouraged
to insulate our homes to the max - Which is of course a great idea.
By all accounts UK homes are amongst the worst insulated
buildings in Europe. I guess this is hardly surprising; for all our moaning we
have astonishingly benign weather and until recently were surrounded by seas
filled with oil and natural gas. Alas, all good things come to an end, and as our
own stocks of fossil fuel have dwindled away the price of heating our homes has
gently rocketed through the ceiling, so much so that these days only a fool
would fail to insulate.
So what exactly is this ‘Green Deal’? Well, to the government
at least, it is a work of wonder. Why? Because, to the mandarins of Whitehall,
the perfect grant will offer as much encouragement as possible whilst, ideally,
spending little or no money.
With the Green Deal the government actually gets to spend nothing,
because it’s not really a grant at all - you don’t actually get any money from
anyone. Not a penny!
So what the hell is it? Well, I guess you could call it the “Green
Bank Loan”.
How it works is as follows:
- Firstly, somebody either knocks
on your door, or you – eager to embrace green ideals – ring a partner company
in the Green Deal.
- An Assessor, who has been trained for days in the black art of
energy efficiency, will now appear on your doorstep and conduct a survey of your
- The survey complete, they will then make a series of recommendations,
all of which are covered by one single caveat, or ‘golden-rule’ – the cost of
the energy efficiency measures they recommend must generate more savings than
they actually cost.
- Astonished and amazed by these potential saving you say yes
to the proposed measures and before you can say ‘carbon footprint’ the work begins.
So who pays for all this work? Well, you do – or at least
the person who pays the utility bill for that home does. The idea is that the
cost of the new insulation will be added onto your utility bill but – and here’s
the clever bit – because that bill has gone down as a result of all this new
insulation the overall cost should remain the same, or actually be slightly
Because the work was designed to improve that particular
home the cost of paying for the work stays with that home i.e. if you sell up
the new owner will get a utility bill with the remaining cost of the insulation
still built into the bill.
To be honest I think it sounds like a great idea. Yes, I can
see all sorts of potential pitfalls, not least of which is this energy saving v
cost equation and the number of different parties involved – the assessor, the
insulation seller, the installer, the energy company, the bank covering the
loan. With that many people involved it could all go pear-shaped in no time at
all - and I assume that’s why it’s taken so long to get everything rolling.
That said, if you have an old home with solid external
walls, this could be a real boon as it would cover the cost of getting external
wall insulation fitted without the hassle of arranging a bank loan.
All we have to do now is wait until the Autumn!